Friday, August 19, 2011

Where Have I been may you ask?

Sometimes life takes you for a whirlwind adventure, And mine has been more of a tornado. Not that life is terrible by any means it has just become chaos and craziness in the last few months. But I am ready to get back into blogging more and hopefully post projects I have been working on, like my spare of the moment project to paint very bight stripes in my sons room and thinking why not paint my kitchen orange to. I have been doing lots of projects without pictures and I feel terrible about not getting more pictures going. I would love to show off my bird crapped on blue mailbox which now almost looks shabby chic, as if I distressed it myself, very impressive I think when I hardly had to do anything to get that antique vibe. Do you think Pottery Barn would want to copy that? I was also shocked to find that someone has looked at this blog so I thought I would pick it back up again. Assuming I can get away from all the whirlwind excitement. And get back to more creating and mommy timeouts as this is a necessity of life. What in the world are mommy timeouts you may ask? It is when your sweet husband gets flustered with you because of all the constant craziness of home life and beyond, that he says, "Do I need to put you in timeout?" Of course you say YES!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND NO KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( AS I AM IN TIMEOUT)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. (End of Story.)

JUST FOR FUN IDEA: See if you can get a timeout for yourself and relax while you hear your hubby in the background, I was just kidding, I need help!!!! and just go with it, and smile.      

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